Welcome To The IP Fabric Help Center
- IP Fabric Service Desk
Check our IP Fabric Documentation prior to opening a ticket. They are continuously updated with important information about installation, configuration, and using the product. The built-in search will help guide you to the correct pages.
Upgrades: Please review our Release Notes as these pages contain important notices about the upgrade process, new features, and breaking changes. After performing an upgrade please clear your browser cache by following the instructions located on Release Notes page prior to opening a ticket.
Troubleshooting: If you are having an issue with a specific Vendor or a device, please consult the following:
- Supported Vendor Matrix to ensure the device is supported.
- Reported Known Issues for specific vendors and models.
- Troubleshooting Discovery provides simple steps to debug device discovery issues.
Feature Requests: Please visit our Feature Request Portal.
If the above information has not solved your problem, continue with a support ticket.
Recommendation: Be as detailed as possible when opening an issue and include IPs of affected device; addresses used in Path Lookup simulations; or date, time, & time zone of error messages. Sending a Techsupport will further expedite the process.
Support Priority Classification:
Always choose Normal priority if the issue affects your non-production (staging, testing, QA) instance.
Critical - Product is not operational.
High - The Product performance is severely degraded, but most operations remain functional.
Normal - Other non-critical issue that has little or no impact on Product operation. For example bugs, assistance with IP Fabric setup, etc. - Feature Request Portal
Help us make IP Fabric better! Submit your ideas for new features, improvements, or documentation updates here.
Check our IP Fabric Documentation before submitting a feature request to see if the functionality you're looking for already exists.
Types of Requests:
- New Feature Proposal - For completely new functionality that doesn't exist in IP Fabric yet.
- Feature Enhancement - For improvements to existing IP Fabric features.
- Integration Proposal - For suggesting improvements or feedback to our existing open-source integrations or for requesting new integrations.
Note: All feature requests are reviewed by the Product team. Your Solution Architect or Customer Success representative can help prioritize and provide additional context for your requests.
Suggested forms
For all other issues that require active assistance of our support team, select this option. Some common examples include help with SSO configuration, IP Fabric not operating, etc. You can increase the support priority from Normal to Critical or High.
Use this issue type if you have determined that you may have found a bug in the IP Fabric product. Common examples include missing data due to parsing issues or reporting feature that does not work, but was working before. All issues handled with a Normal priority.
Missing something? Found a gap in our platform? Help us make it even better! We love hearing your ideas and continuously evolve based on your feedback. (Yes, we actually read these!)
Have ideas to improve our open-source integrations or would like to request a new integration?
Please fill out this form to provide feedback or new features.